**** Special Promotion for Safety Audit ****
Welcome to HKSHE Consulting Service Limited, a leading provider of specialized safety, health, and environmental (SHE) consultancy services in Hong Kong. Our team comprises experienced and passionate SHE professionals who are committed to promoting and enhancing SHE standards across all industries.

We understand the critical importance of ensuring a safe and healthy work environment while also safeguarding the environment. With this in mind, we offer a comprehensive range of SHE services, including risk assessments, safety audits, training, and ongoing support. Our goal is to help our clients achieve a higher level of SHE performance, ultimately resulting in improved productivity, reduced costs, and enhanced reputation.

At HKSHE Consulting Service Limited, we pride ourselves on our customer-centric approach and our ability to tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each client. We are dedicated to building long-term partnerships with our clients and providing them with the expertise and support they need to achieve their SHE goals.

Thank you for considering HKSHE Consulting Service Limited for your SHE consultancy needs. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help you achieve a safer, healthier, and more sustainable workplace.

Scope of Services

    Occupational Safety & Health
    Environmental Protection
  • Provide Safety Officer and Supervision Service
  • Human Resources Service
  • Safety Audit & Safety Review
  • Occupational Safety & Health Management System
  • Registered Structural Engineer Service RSE
  • Training
  • Inspection & Survey
  • Facilities Safety Assessment
  • Noise Assessment
  • Independent Accident/Incident Investigation
  • Occupational Hygiene
  • Risk Assessment
    (project risk assessment, confined spaces risk assessment, fire risk assessment, manual handling risk assessment, noise assessment, display screen equipment risk assessment, etc.)
  • OHSAS 18001 Certification
  • Employees' Compensation Insurance Claims
  • Legal Advice
  • Expert Witness
  • Alcoholic Test & Assessment **Pioneering Alcoholic Test & Assessment Services in Hong Kong**
  • ISO 5001 Certification
  • ISO 50001:2011 Certification
  • Environmental Management System
  • Audit
  • Training
  • Survey
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Asbestos Consulting
  • ISO 14001 Certification
  • Legal Advice


Contact Us Tel: 8102 3950 Fax: 3020 6053 Email: info@hk-she.com

Previously served corporates and entities:
CM Wong & Associates Limited
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Customs & Excise Department, HKSAR
Architectural Services Department
Civil Engineering & Development Department
CLP Power (Generation Business Group)
CLP Power (Power System Business Group)
Drainage Services Department
AXA Insuracne Company Limited
Fook Woo Environmental Technologies Ltd.
Hip Hing Construction Co. , Ltd
HK Housing Authority & Housing Department
HK Housing Society
Hon Hing Enterprises Limited
HK Aircraft Engineering Co. Ltd (HAECO)
Hong Kong Polytechnics University
Hongkong Land Ltd.
Hongkong Post
Ken On Concrete Co. Ltd.
Lam Geotechnics Limited
Leighton Asia
Lion Training Centre & Lion Security Limited
Main Shine Development Limited
Majestic Engineering Co. , Ltd.
Comba Telecom Ltd.
Huawei International Co. Limited
Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holdings Limited
U-Tech Engineering Company Limited
Metrojet Ltd.
The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council
Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School
The Great Eagle Properties Management Co., Ltd.
Du Pont Apollo Limited
Zuellig Pharma Limited
MTR Corporation
Nan Fung Group
Bridgestone Aircraft Tire Company (Asia) Limited
Modern Terminals Limited
New Charm Management Limited
Open University of Hong Kong
Pat Davie Limited
PCCW Solutions
Power Logistics Limited
Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas) C.D Rehabilitation Ctr
Redland Concrete Ltd.
Shui On Construction and Materials Limited
Shui On Properties Management Ltd.
Standard Chartered Bank
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The City University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong & China Gas Co., Ltd.
The HK University of Science & Technology
The Hongkong Electric Co. , Ltd.
Time Warner
Vineberg Property Management Limited
World Fair International Ltd.
Wuhan Kaidi Electric Power Environmental Co., Ltd.
The Independent Schools Foundation Academy (ISF)
TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School
TWGHs Lions Club of Metropolitan HK Kindergarten
TWGHs Chan King Har Kindergarten
TWGHs Nickon Kindergarten

Contact Us Tel: 8102 3950 Fax: 3020 6053


Other C I Ltd. Group members:


Copyright © 2024 HKSHE Consulting Service Limited.
Unit 2202, Causeway Bay Plaza 1, 489 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Managed by Contrive Innovations Limited

安全學校 國際安全學校 香港安全學校 Safe school International safe school Hong Kong safe school HK safe school ISO 5001 ISO 50001:2011 energy management system EMS EnMS continual improvement of energy performance energy efficiency energy use energy consumption 能源管理系統 能源效率 直銷中心 Accident/Incident investigation 意外事故調查 意外事故调查 Certification 認證 认证 Confined spaces 密閉空間 密闭空间 Display screen equipment assessment 顯示屏幕設備評估 显示屏幕设备评估 EM&A 環境監察及審核 环境监察及审核 Employee compensation insurance claims 僱員補償保險索償 雇员补偿保险索偿 Employees' compensation 僱員補償 雇员补偿 Engineering consultancy 工程顧問 工程顾问 Engineering consultant 工程顧問 工程顾问 Engineering consulting 工程顧問 工程顾问 Environmental audit 環保審核 环保审核 Environmental consultancy 環保顧問 环保顾问 Environmental consultant 環保顧問 环保顾问 Environmental consulting 環保顧問 环保顾问 Environmental hygiene 環境衛生 环境卫生 Environmental management system 環保管理制度/系統 环保管理制度/系统 Environmental monitoring & audit 環境監察及審核 环境监察及审核 Environmental officer 環保主任 环保主任 Environmental plan 環保/環境計劃 环保/环境计划 Environmental supervisor 環保督導員 环保督导员 Environmental training 環保訓練/培訓 环保训练/培训 Ergonomics 人體功效 人体功效 Expert witness 專家證人/意見 专家证人/意见 Facilities assessment 設施評估 设施评估 Fire engineering 消防工程 消防工程 Fire risk assessment 火警風險評估 火警风险评估 Fire services consultancy 消防顧問 消防顾问 Fire services consultant 消防顧問 消防顾问 Fire services consulting 消防顧問 消防顾问 Health assessment 健康評估 健康评估 Hearing therapy 聽力治療 听力治疗 Indoor air quality 室內空氣質素 室内空气质素 Legal consultation 法律諮詢 法律咨询 Manual handling assessment 體力處理操作評估 体力处理操作评估 Noise assessment 噪音評估 噪音评估 Noise control & abatement 噪音控制及減滅 噪音控制及减灭 Occupational safety & health training OSH training 職安健訓練/培訓 职安健训练/培训 Occupational therapy 職業治療 职业治疗 Prosecution 票控 票控 Rehabilitation 復康治療 复康治疗 Risk assessment 風險評估 风险评估 Safety audit 安全審核 安全审核 Safety consultancy 安全顧問 安全顾问 Safety consultant 安全顧問 安全顾问 Safety consulting 安全顧問 安全顾问 Safety management system 安全管理制度/系統 安全管理制度/系统 Safety officer 安全主任 安全主任 Safety plan 安全計劃 安全计划 Safety review 安全查核 安全查核 Safety supervisor 安全督導員 安全督导员 Safety training 安全訓練/培訓 安全训练/培训 Underground utility detection 地下設施探測 地下设施探测 Utility detection 公用設施探測 公用设施探测 Asbestos consultant 石棉顧問 石棉顾问 Asbestos consulting 石棉顧問 石棉顾问 Asbestos consultancy 石棉顧問 石棉顾问 Safety culture 安全文化 安全文化 Behaviour safety 行為安全 行为安全 Behavior safety 行為安全 行为安全 Occupational hygiene 職業衛生 职业卫生 ISO 14001 ISO 14000 OHSAS 18000 OHSAS 18001 Accident/Incident investigation 意外事故調查 意外事故调查 Employee compensation insurance claims 僱員補償保險索償 雇员补偿保险索偿 Engineering consultancy 工程顧問 工程顾问 Environmental management system 環保管理制度/系統 环保管理制度/系统 Environmental officer 環保主任 环保主任 Environmental plan 環保/環境計劃 环保/环境计划 Environmental supervisor 環保督導員 环保督导员 Facilities assessment 設施評估 设施评估 Risk assessment 風險評估 风险评估 Health assessment 健康評估 健康评估 Manual handling assessment 體力處理操作評估 体力处理操作评估 Noise assessment 噪音評估 噪音评估 Occupational safety & health training OSH training 職安健訓練/培訓 职安健训练/培训 Safety management system 安全管理制度/系統 安全管理制度/系统 Asbestos 石棉 石棉 Safety culture 安全文化 安全文化 Behavior safety 行為安全 行为安全 Occupational hygiene 職業衛生 职业卫生 5S 五常法 良好工地整理 五常法 良好工地整理 ISO 14001 ISO 14000 OHSAS 18000 OHSAS 18001 酒後駕駛 酒后驾驶 drink and drive alcohol breath test 呼氣測試 呼气测试 Breath Alcohol Analyzer Fuel Cell Sensor 酒精數量 手提酒精測試機 吹波仔 吹波機 酒精呼氣測試 醉酒駕駛 breath alcohol tester alcohol tester alcohol testing machine 酒精計500 驗酒精濃度 Alcovisor Mark X 警用級 酒精測試機 Markx tester Markx wine Markx beer Markx 警用級 酒精測試機 Mark X Evdential Alcohol Breathalyzer Mark X tester Mark X wine Mark X beer Mark X Neway Karaoke Markx Neway Karaoke Mark X Neway Alcohol Alcovisor Saturn 酒精測試機 Saturn tester Saturn wine Saturn beer jc shop 廉價國產酒精測試機 alcohol breathalyzer AlcoQuant 6020 EnviteC Alcovisor Interlock 酒精鎖車機 Circumvention Record Alcovisor INTERLOCK-X2 FaceGuard face recognition Responsible drinking 負責任飲酒 负责任饮酒 RSO Registered Safety Officer Environmental Officer environmental engineer safety health environmental manager safety shoes safety officer course employment vacancy safety supervisor course safety management system 註冊安全主任 安全主任 職業安全及健康的專業進修計劃 工廠及工業經營(安全主任及安全督導員) Safety Supervisors Safety Engineers safety green card 平安咭 Safety Training cooling fan environmental air conditioner air cooler 節能環保空調機冷氣機 节能环保空调机冷气机 Keruilai 科瑞萊 科瑞莱 涼風機 cooling fan Evaporative Air Cooler Energy-saving Environmental 節能環保涼風機 evaporative cooling ventilating unit 蒸發式降溫換氣機 蒸发式降温换气机 evaporative cooling ventilator 蒸發式冷風機 蒸发式冷风机 Keda Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. 科達機電設備有限公司 科达机电设备有限公司 drug abuse 濫用毒品 危險藥物 吸毒 滥用毒品 危险药物 吸毒 drug test 吸毒測試 吸毒测试 毒品測試 毒品测试 危險藥物測試 危险药物测试 毒檢 毒检 藥檢 药检 drug and drive 藥後駕駛 oral fluid saliva drug test 唾液毒品測試 唾液毒品测试 sweat drug test 汗液毒品測試 汗液毒品测试 urine drug test 尿液毒品測試 尿液毒品测试 hair drug test 毛髮 頭髮毒品測試 毛发 头发毒品测试 blood drug test 血液毒品測試 血液毒品测试 nail drug test 指甲毒品測試 指甲毒品测试 fast screening test 快速甄別及辨識用途毒品測試 快速甄别及辨識用途毒品测试 quick test kit oral fluid test strip 唾液試條 快速測試套 唾液试条 快速测试套 sweat patch 汗貼 汗贴 drug control 毒品 危險藥物控制 毒品 危险药物控制 drug prevention 預防毒品 危險藥物 预防毒品 危险药物 港口設施保安官證書課程 Port Facility Security Officer MARITIME SECURITY – ISPS CODE 香港法例第582A章 ( 第24節 ) 所有的對外航運港 必須僱用PFSO.持證人 Sections A/18.2, B/18.2 and B/18.3 of the ISPS Code HK Marine Department 香港海事處認可證書 DUI D.U.I. HKDUI H.K.D.U.I. Hong Kong Driving Under Influence Hong Kong Drive Under Influence Hong Kong 環保智能蘇 IntelliPlug OneClick Technologies BS1363/3 BS5733 環保智能拖板 IntelliPanel 户外冷氣機租用 環保節能 涼風機 清涼巾 青蛙巾 keruilai air cooler risk assessment on heat stroke OEM Cool oemcool 環保強力冷風機 膜生物反應器 膜分離技術 工業廢水 中水回用處理 Membrane Biological Reactor 污水再生利用 污水處理器 Comprehensive sewage treatment Sewage treatment sewage treatment technology wastewater construction water reuse Water Treatment Solution 工地污水處理回用 旅遊景點回用水、城市綠化回用水 水源保護區污水處理 公共廁所回用水 電子、食品、垃圾填埋等行業高濃度有機廢水 WATER QUALITY 水污染管制 WATER POLLUTION EPD CONTROL WATER POLLUTION Treating Sewage 污水的規劃及處理 Sewage Harbour Area Treatment Scheme HATS 淨化海港計劃 Sewers Beach Water Quality 泳灘水質 Marine Water Quality 海水水質監測 River Water Quality 河溪水質監測 Sewerage Master Plans SMPs Water Pollution Control Ordinance 水污染管制條例 Chapter 358 Prohibited discharges into waters of Hong Kong and inland waters 禁止排入香港水域及內陸水域的排放 Prohibited discharges into communal sewers and communal drains 禁止排入公用污水渠和公用排水渠的排放 住宅污水 排污費